
“True for You but Not for Me” is unavailable, but you can change that!

The world is intolerant of Christian beliefs. You’ve probably heard many of the anti-Christian comebacks and conversation-enders that refute the relevance and validity of Christianity, including: • “Who are you to impose your morality on others?” • “What right do you have to convert others to your views?” • “It doesn’t matter what you believe—as long as you’re sincere.” • “You...

In the sacred Hindu text Bhagavad Gita, the god Krishna says, “In any way that men love me, in that same way they find my love: for many are the paths of men, but they all in the end come to me” (4:11). We’re familiar with various pictures or analogies to “prove” that religions are “basically the same.” Perhaps religions are like roads leading to the top of a mountain. Or maybe religions are like a mosaic or kaleidoscope, in which a number of differing beliefs make up a complete,
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